Ecology and Art

Ecology and Art


4:00 – 6:00 p.m., Meet in FAM Main Lobby

Facilitator(s): Tim Christensen, Sculptor and Andrea Curtis, Museum Educator

Partnering with artist and naturalist, Tim Christensen, we will deeply notice New England landscapes in the Farnsworth’s collection of American art.   Through an examination of land formations and environmental details, participants will uncover ecological clues embedded in 18th and 19th century landscapes.  We will consider symbiotic relationships found in nature and select our own natural objects to study in the studio.  Practicing the ancient technique of sgraffito, we will consider positive and negative space and texture as we classify and etch representations of our natural subjects into clay.


Classroom Connections: Natural Science, Environmentalism, Ecology, American Landscape, New England Geography

Arts Vocabulary: Composition, Texture, Subject, Positive/Negative Space, Lines

Pre-Registration required (Materials provided)

Contact Hour(s): 2

Tim Christensen, Artist

Tim Christensen, Artist

Andrea Curtis, Arts in Education Program Manager

Andrea Curtis, Arts in Education Program Manager